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Why Are Fleas So Hard to Control? Featured


A lot of people ask me why fleas are so difficult to deal with. After all, it’s 2015 right? We should have that magic wand that gets rid of fleas immediately by now.

Well, fortunately for fleas, their biology insulates them from immediate defeat rather well.  Much like how a caterpillar enters a cocoon prior to becoming a butterfly, fleas enter a protective pupae state.  Once, they’ve reached adulthood, they wait in their protective state until they are stimulated to emerge by vibrations and carbon dioxide – just like a pet walking by.  Because fleas mature at varying rates, it’s easy to experience wave after wave of flea “hatches” even following chemical treatments.

"Because fleas mature at varying rates, it’s easy to experience wave after wave of flea “hatches” even following chemical treatments."

You see, chemical treatments are highly effective at killing the adult flea and the flea larvae, but they don’t have much impact on a flea in its protective pupae case.  If you review our flea treatment preparation checklist, you’ll see that we recommend frequent vacuuming before and after treatment.  The idea behind this is to stimulate as many adult fleas to emerge as possible so you can go back to living comfortably again as soon as possible.

Fleas may be designed to be difficult to eliminate, but our design gives us the advantage.  By partnering with Sims Pest control, you’re telling fleas that their time has come.